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Fee Simple vs Leasehold Hawaii Explanation

In this blog, I will explain the difference between fee simple vs leasehold. While searching for homes online you have probably come across some properties that say this is a leasehold condo or this is a fee simple condo. In this blog, I will be explaining the difference between fee simple vs leasehold in Hawaii. […]

The Most Expensive Homes in Kauai and Why They Are Expensive!

This blog is all about the most expensive homes in Kauai.     The luxury real estate market in Hawaii is probably one of the best places to live in the world! Kauai’s luxury real estate market does not mean it’s the nicest home. There are a lot of different factors that determine what makes […]

11 Home Seller Closing Costs in Hawaii To Expect When Selling Your Property

Thinking about selling your Kauai home? This blog goes over seller closing costs in Hawaii.  There are costs that get accrued when selling a property. Luckily in a quickly appreciating market on Kauai the seller can usually easily cover their closing costs. This blog will give you a general idea of closing costs when selling […]

Kauai Lenders and Loan Officers

Why use a lender on Kauai? If you are thinking about purchasing land, a home or a condo on Kauai. Here a few reasons why I recommend working with a Kauai lenders or loan officers. 1. They are Familiar with our Idiosyncrasies For example, Kauai has many Condominium Property Regimes (CPR’s) and Condo-Hotels (condo-tels). Most […]

Breaking & Entering is NOT a Path to Home Ownership. Part 1

Breaking & Entering is NOT a Path to Home Ownership. Part 1 As a Kauai Real Estate Broker for many Kauai Bank owned properties I am usually the first contact when banks foreclose on a property on Kauai. When I get a new property assignment I go there and see who is occupying a property. […]

Recent prices of homes in Hanalei to Haena. Kauai’s north shore.

Kuhio Highway north of Hanalei has opened after being closed for over a year due to landslides from April 2018 rains. After the rains residents of the immediate area and other permit holders (usually construction workers) could only drive on the highway during 3 set times of the day. The locals had to drive during […]

Additional Rental Units on Kauai, ARU

County of Kauai’s new Additional Rental Unit (ARU) “I feel like I’m saying this for every listing, this kitchen is also not supposed to be here…” ~ words from another Kauai Realtor. With the Kauai County allowing ARU’s now, that kitchen can be allowed. There is some information to know before attempting to get an […]

1031 tax deferred exchange

Are you debating if you should do a 1031 tax deferred exchange? A 1031 exchange is a way that the Internal Revenue Code allows taxpayers to sell a property while deferring capital gains tax if they purchase a like kind property. Here are the 4 reasons people do 1031 tax deferred exchanges: To delay/avoid capital […]

Quick Tips for Purchasing a Vacation Rental on Kauai

Purchasing a Vacation Rental on Kauai: Here are my quick tips!   1. Know where to get Financed! (not applicable for cash purchases) When it comes to condominiums using an on island lender is best! Many of our condo vacation rentals are condo-tels (condo-hotels). A condo-tel is any vacation rental project here with a front […]

5 Awesome Tips For Selling A Vacation Home on Kauai

Read my top tips for selling a vacation home on Kauai. These are easy tips that will go a long way.   Every seller wants to get the most amount of money for their property when selling right? These tips will definitely help with selling a vacation rental home on Kauai or really anywhere! I’ve […]

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