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Hurricane Lane, Serial Murders & Kauai Real Estate

Hurricane Lane Kauai: With lots of warning and time to prepare for the threating Hurricane Lane to the Hawaiian Islands, I prepared for upcoming storm. Not by filling my gas tank or buying cases of water but by walking to the library to stock up on reading supplies. The last major Hurricane to hit Kauai […]

Real Estate Cycles and the State of Kauai’s Real Estate Market 2018

There have been a lot of questions and theories of the cyclical nature of the real estate market and if we are at the top of the cycle headed for a bottom. According to the real estate researcher, Homer Hoyt, observed in 1933 real estate cycles last approximately 18 years. Now if you follow this […]

Visitor Destination Area Kauai – Where are these VDA areas?

Want to know more about Visitor Destination Area on Kauai? Here is a quick overview answering all of your questions on Kauai’s Visitor Destination Areas (VDA).  Many people looking to purchase a Kauai home think that it will be a great idea to use their residence as a vacation rental. Kauai has visitors all year […]

Hanamaulu and New Construction Homes at Ho’oluana

Hanamaulu Housing Project, Ho’oluana. With Market Priced Homes and Affordable Homes for Sale.

Encroachments on Kauai

Dealing with Encroachments on Kauai Last year I sold a property that had a small fence encroachment of about 4inches. During that time I realized there was not much information online about encroachments and the details that are involved in obtaining an encroachment agreement. Most encroachments today are from fences this is why it is […]

Hawaii State Department of Health Cesspool Conversion Push

The Garden Island Newspaper just released an article by Jessica Else on the States Cesspool issue. Back in 2014 I wrote a blog on this issue and why the State is pushing for the conversion of a cesspool to either a septic, anaerobic treatment (?), or connecting to a sewer. Thank you Jessica & the […]

Our First Fix and Flip on Kauai

Here are more details on our first fix and flip property on Kauai. Did you miss our episode? See it here: The DIY Channel’s show, First Time Flippers, episode:   Tropic Blunder or Purchase on iTunes. Search for First Time Flippers or episode “Tropic Blunder” Before the purchase: This was the 4th attempt we made at […]

Kauai Real Estate Fraud. Choosing a Kauai Real Estate Agent.

The responsibilities of a real estate license are many. Every month the state of Hawaii puts out a bulletin to the RE licensees that includes Administrative Actions. As a self proclaimed Kauai real estate know it all, I like to read these stories to see what violations have occurred in my choice of profession. Most […]

Building on Kauai at an All Time Low, who would have known?

Economist Paul Brewbaker came to speak at our latest Kauai Board of Realtor membership meeting. I found his graphs interesting indicating that building on Kauai is at an all-time low, at least for residential housing on Kauai. This isn’t helping with the shortage of housing on Kauai.        Kauai New Housing Units Authorized by Building Permit […]

Additional Rental Units Encouraged in Lihue

   Bill 2627 Passed Relating to Additional Rental Units in Lihue It is no secret Kauai is a growing community and there is a shortage of affordable housing. The Lihue Community Plan approved by the County Council in June 2015 stated that between years 2010 – 2035 they anticipate approximately 10,000 more housing units will be needed […]

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