Kauai Condos That Allow Pets : Many prospective buyers want to know which condos on Kauai will allow pets. Restrictions do apply on many condos and each complex maintains individual pet policies; some will allow any pet, while others may specify the type of pet or have limits on the size or number of animals […]
Real estate
Best Realtor on Kauai, Best Real Estate Company on Kauai
Every year The Garden Island Newspaper holds The Best of Kauai Peoples Choice Awards. Kauai Dreams Realty was voted 2nd Place for best Real Estate Company & owner/Principal Broker Julie Black was voted 2nd Place for best Realtor for 2015. We are humbled and proud of our 2nd Place finish. We are a small locally […]
CPR Developer Sales in Hawaii
When creating a CPR there are a few things the developer needs to do before selling the property for the first time. Refer to my previous blog for the definition of a CPR. These legal requirements need to be completed in order to sell. A developer is a person who develops a real estate condominium […]
What is a CPR? Condominium Property Regime in Hawaii
This blog is all about condominium property regimes, CPR in Hawaii. What is a Condominium Property Regime, or CPR on Kauai? Find out here! I get this question a lot especially when showing property. What is a CPR on Kauai? A CPR is a “condominium property regime” and is just a form of ownership. CPR’s […]
Bed and Breakfast or Homestay Discussion on Kauai
The latest controversial issue on Kauai seems to be the County of Kauai cracking down on illegal Bed and Breakfast businesses (B&B) or Homestay. There seems to be two sides to this controversy. A concern of the county’s is that there are many illegal Transient Vacation Rentals (TVR’s) claiming that they are B&B homestays. The […]
Kauai Property Tax Exemptions. FILE NOW!!!!!!
CAN YOU HEAR ME YELLING? It’s the middle of August and September 30, 2015 will be upon us shortly. What’s so important about the end of September? Well it’s the last day to file a homeowners exemption form for your Kauai property taxes. These exemptions help lower the dollar amount of your property taxes that […]
Kauai Real Estate Market Rising – A look at Condominiums
The Kauai real estate market is rising and still on a steady upward climb! Its exciting for homeowners & investors to see the value of their Kauai property increase. Especially those who are wanting to sell. Prices are still not at the same peak as 2004-2008 although in a sense that was a “phony” market […]
Kauai Property Tax Exemption Opportunities
Kauai property tax assessments are assessed at 100% market value. As of 1983 the county decided that the assessed value of a property should be the same as the fee simple market value, this way homeowners can see the worth of their property. (Note: the market moves faster than the tax assessment and the tax […]
Kauai Flood Insurance News – Update from FEMA
Kauai Flood Insurance news update from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Flood insurance has been one of the latest hot topics in Kauai real estate news. Ever since the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance reform Act of 2012 flood insurance rates have been rising. This is a great concern especially for those homes on Kauai located near the […]