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The Kauai Dreams Realty Blog

Kauai Foreclosures, Kauai REO April 2024 List

This is my monthly Kauai foreclosure, Kauai REO & Kauai bank owned list.  It is updated monthly. Upcoming REO: None that I have coming up. Most properties are getting bought in Foreclosure.  Upcoming Foreclosure: 4873 A Ali’i Road Unit 1,  Hanapepe. I wondered what happen to this property as the original foreclosure sale was set […]

Kauai Foreclosures, Kauai REO March 2024 List

This is my monthly Kauai foreclosure, Kauai REO & Kauai bank owned list.  It is updated monthly. Upcoming REO:  None that I have coming up. Most properties are getting bought in Foreclosure.  Upcoming Foreclosure: 4632 Hanamaulu Road, Lihue . This photo is from 2014. Credit to the the Listing Broker at the time. According to the […]

Kauai Foreclosures, Kauai REO February 2024 List

This is my monthly Kauai foreclosure, Kauai REO & Kauai bank owned list.  It is updated monthly. Upcoming REO:  None that I have coming up. Most properties are getting bought in Foreclosure.  Upcoming Foreclosure: 6809 Kahuna Rd.; Kapaa, HI. 96746.  A 1 bedroom/ 1 bath home, with 2 utility sheds on 1.42 acres.  Auction date:  […]

Kauai Foreclosures, Kauai REO January 2024 List

This is my monthly Kauai foreclosure, Kauai REO & Kauai bank owned list.  It is updated monthly. Upcoming REO:  None that I have coming up. Most properties are getting bought in Foreclosure.  Upcoming Foreclosure: UPDATE: The vacant lot in Wailua Houselots on Haleilio Road. TMK 4-4-1-6-53. I believe it’s zoned Neighborhood Commercial and in the […]

Kauai Foreclosures, Kauai REO December 2023 List

This is my monthly Kauai foreclosure, Kauai REO & Kauai bank owned list.  It is updated monthly. Upcoming REO in Kapaa:  4987 Hekili Rd.; Kapaa, HI 96746.  We don’t have a price yet, court confirmation was 11/30/23, it may go back to the bank if no one bought it at court confirmation. Update 11/30/23. It […]

Kauai Foreclosures, Kauai REO November 2023 List

This is my monthly Kauai foreclosure, Kauai REO & Kauai bank owned list. It is updated monthly. New Vacant Land REO in Kapaa:  4841 Lani Rd., #B; Kapaa, HI 96746 MLS#704918 $331,500. 8,138 sqft. KAUAI MLS LISTED: (HIGHLIGHTED MLS NUMBERS ARE LINKS): KAUAI REOS AVAILABLE FOR SALE: 4670 Opukea Street, Lihue. A 5 bedroom, 2 […]

Kauai Foreclosures, Kauai REO October 2023 List

This is my monthly Kauai foreclosure, Kauai REO & Kauai bank owned list. It is updated monthly. 2 Upcoming REOs, (we don’t have the prices yet): 5-2881 Kuhio Hwy.; Kilauea, HI. 96754:  A 4 bedroom, 4 bath home on 5.0 acres.  These are photos from a listing over 10 years ago. From what I heard […]

Kauai Foreclosures, Kauai REO September 2023 List

This is my monthly Kauai foreclosure, Kauai REO & Kauai bank owned list. It is updated monthly. Upcoming Foreclosures at Kulana in Kapaa: Unit 16E Kulana Condominium; Kapaa, HI. 96746:  An undeveloped lot of 3.0420 acres.  Auction sale:  September 15, 2023 at 12 p.m., on the front steps of the Fifth Circuit Court Building. For […]

Opportunity in the Opportunity Zone on Kauai

  Apparently there is a new way investors can defer their taxes. Recently from a client I heard of the term “Opportunity Zone”. They informed me that one of my listings was in the opportunity zone. I had never heard of an opportunity zone prior to this conversation.   What is an Opportunity Zone? Each […]

3 Kauai Properties I Would Never Buy Being a Kauai Real Estate Agent

Generally speaking a person really can’t go wrong purchasing real estate on Kauai. Why? Because we don’t have much and there isn’t new real estate being built! Kauai properties appreciate like crazy. Even people who purchase a property then sell the next year usually break even or make some profit. With that said there are […]

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